by Rachael Jenkins | Mar 5, 2019 | News
OASE supply pumps, filtration systems and decorative water features for garden ponds of all sizes and we are very pleased to be part of the OASE installer scheme. Recently our team spent a day at the OASE UK head office updating their product knowledge and getting...
by Rachael Jenkins | Jan 22, 2019 | News
This weekend the RSPB celebrate the 40th birthday of the Big Garden Birdwatch, each year residents count the maximum number of birds spotted in their garden over a one hour time period. The results help scientists understand bird life trends, spot problems and plan...
by Rachael Jenkins | Nov 20, 2018 | News
Proud to have created this beautiful WW1 memorial garden in GWR park for South Swindon Parish Council. Each part of the structure tells a story to remind us of WWI. The Cross represents the medics, not only those at the front but also those in supporting roles at...