The updated government guidance asks us to all ‘Stay Alert to Stay Safe’ , this replaces the ‘Stay Home Stay Safe’ message that has been the consistent advice from the government for some weeks. For my family both messages have translated to many more hours spent enjoying our garden space. Inevitably we have spent some time considering which parts of our garden work well for us and which parts could be better!

I am sure that my personal experiences are echoed across the land, possibly with a slight sense of frustration that the current social distancing requirements and indeed possible longer term prudence for continuing isolation may mean that a personal visit from a garden designer to offer advice and guidance is neither appropriate or suitable.

As a family we have also learnt new video calling skills. My teenagers have introduced me to the App House Party and in turn I have encouraged my parents to take the plunge and join the world of Zoom, and of course there are many other 2 way video platforms.

So why not combine our new video calls skills with garden project development? Well whilst overall there’s no substitute for seeing a garden ‘in the flesh’ to create a proper brief, and then a full design we have developed a new virtual offering that may well allow us to help you turn your ‘which parts could be better ideas’ into reality!

To arrange a free initial garden discussion, call us on 01285 654766 or email on or use our Contact Us page. We can connect with you on your video call platform of choice. From this meeting we can progress to further consultancy such as sketch visualisations of the ideas discussed, or full project notes and garden designs, in line with our normal design services.

Stay Alert and Stay Safe